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Internet Administrator

Full control Internet access!


Internet access "Full control"
dovnload.co.uk Editor: "Internet Manager" as a global corporate network access to the internet is a set of complete and comprehensive control programs. "Internet Administrator" Internet use basic problems - abuse of access at work to decipher. "Internet Manager", Internet users and user actions provides a detailed monitoring resources will restrict access to Internet resources.
Web site a database of products, sports, news is divided into categories such as contains, etc., which provides great flexibility for access control.
"Internet Manager", the Internet and traffic bandwidth limits the traffic uptime.
internet access, define and limit who, where, when and how you can get access. System of rules on the basis of access policy internet usage only for the job! Provides
? NTERNET Administrator "Internet use by more than 10 reports of characters show clearly includes corporate. Reports can be printed, saved a number of popular formats are converted. You can free download Internet Administrator 2.6 now.

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